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The codes listed below below were tested on February 19, 2025. PLUMED-TESTCENTER tested whether the current and development versions of the code can be used to complete the tests for each of these codes.

Name of Program Short description Compiles Passes tests
gromacs A free and open-source software suite for high-performance molecular dynamics and output analysis. tested on v2.10 tested on master tested on v2.10 tested on master
gromacs-vanilla A free and open-source software suite for high-performance molecular dynamics and output analysis. Form the 2025 comes with a feature-reduced version of the plumed patch tested on v2.10 tested on master tested on v2.10 tested on master
i-pi A universal force engine interface that can be used to sample thermodynamic ensembles once it is coupled with a function for calculating the energies and forces tested on v2.10 tested on master tested on v2.10 tested on master
lammps The Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator. An MD code that is often used for materials modelling. tested on v2.10 tested on master tested on v2.10 tested on master
quantum_espresso An integrated suite of Open-Source computer codes for electronic-structure calculatiosn and materials modelling at the nanoscales that uses density-functional theory, plane waves and pseudopotentials. tested on v2.10 tested on master tested on v2.10 tested on master
simplemd A Lennard Jones molecular dynamics code that is part of PLUMED. tested on v2.10 tested on master tested on v2.10 tested on master

Building PLUMED

When the tests above are run PLUMED is built using the install plumed action.

- name: Install plumed
      uses: Iximiel/install-plumed@v1
         CC: "ccache mpicc"
         CXX: "ccache mpic++"
         suffix: "$"
         version: "$"
         extra_options: --enable-boost_serialization --enable-fftw --enable-libtorch LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,$LD_LIBRARY_PATH --disable-basic-warnings